The dead cannot cry out for justice; it is a duty of the living to do so for them. Lois McMaster BujoldThis memorial website was created to remember our dearest Brianna L. Gardner who was born on November 13 , 1989 and was so abruptly taken from us on August 13, 2012.
Brianna you will forever live in OUR memories and hearts! WE LOVE YOU!
Also..... Please take a second and light a candle, send condolences, add a picture, or a memory! THANK YOU!!!
Presentación de Diapositivas
angel snow |
happy birthday bambi |
November 13, 2012 |
hi bambi happy birthday i wish u were here to share it with all you uhs sisters.. but everything happens for a reason and maybe it was just your times... theres always a plan.. even though we had our differences im glad we had a chance to put our differences to the side.. regret not getting to know you as well. u were such a postive person.. you will always and forever be our angel.. its amazing to see how many loved you and respected you... u were truly something every special!!
Bam Bam,
One thing I will always remember about you is all the phone calls, the texts and laughs we had.
Not one day went by when you wouldn't text me to say some random thing bcus you know it would make me laugh.
You always knew I would be up late night bcus pfffff.. that's just a given so I would always expect a text around ..-... am
Not only were you funny, but you were such a kind, and young beautiful spirit.
I will miss you boo and just know you have a lot of girls behind you right now having your back. You wouldn't believe the things being said, but you know what bambii...? WE GOT YOUR BACK!!
We're all very hurt that a real WOMAN was taken fom us and it's so hard to believe. I caught myself calling your phone just to hear the answer machie say your name!
You're in my prayers along with your family and the rest of us ladies. Watch down on us boo, be another guardian angel to all of us k!
In our Favorite Soda Pops Voice * u know who you are* Make sure you save us "Several Seats" ;)
We will all reunite again one day in them golden gates of heaven.. You're in a waaaaaaay better place and I know you finna live it up there like you was living it down here!
Keep it up boo, because we love you and we shall NEVER EVER FORGET YOU!
-- Your good Friend
Fancy Pants
Alana |
Happy Birthday Baby!! |
November 13, 2012 |
Hey Bambi Happy Birthday Love!!!! I can't believe it's only been three months but it feels like so much longer. We never got the chance to meet but I cherish the times we shared talking. I think about you every day and pray to God that you are at peace and happy. Of course nobody deserves anything bad to happen to them, but why you?? You were one of the most caring, loving, understanding and loyal people I have ever known. You were and are still a blessing to each and every one of us and I know we are all extremely grateful to have gotten the chance to know you. I love you and miss you, I hope you're enjoying your birthday baby... We're down here celebrating with you.
Love you always
mia sumore |
November 13, 2012 |
Well todays the big day... we were really looking forward to getting to throw a UHS sister birthday party together, so im going to have to do it big for the both of us down here while you doing it even bigger up there! its crazy only 3 months have past since we last spoke, it seems so much longer.. i called your phone today just to hear your voice again.... i wish you were still here with me B... theres not a day that goes by that you dont cross my mind... i know they say time heals all wounds but this is one that seems to only be constantly reopened... im getting ready to send off your balloons in a few hours and hit up a few of our old spots... i just wish you were still here with me.. <3
Alisha Washington |
Comfort |
September 28, 2012 |
Hello, I signed the petition and I just want you to know she is beautiful. I just wanted to leave my condolences and a comforting scripture. John 5:28 reads- 'Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out." This speaks of a resurrection of our dead loved ones. I know you don't know me but you and the family will be in my prayers.
It was not God's purpose for humans to die. When you get a chance visit This site brought me so much comfort when I was going through a hard time.
Caela Kash |
September 7, 2012 |
There's nothing you can really say about something like this?! I pray for justice and peace for bambii's family! RIP & ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE US!
Bri, I know your up there watching and smiling over all of us. but its still so hard for me and so many others to know that your killer is still out there, and it seems like nothing is being done by the authorities... We're doing the best we can to get you justice Bri!! There isn't a day that goes by that i dont think about this and wish i would of been there with you that night.. i feel like i let you down.. i wish i woulda called you suday evening and we could of talked like we did that morning.. that i would of known something was off, or that the phone would of been busy just long enough for that call not to go thru, or if it was someone breaking in i would of heard and called the authorities.. i think about that night alot.. But i will NEVER be able to understand WHY someone had to do this, & to you of all people... i think about you all the time, & Everytime i ride past our Trap spots or listen to those 4 CDs the sugar free, Future, old school, & rock mix we used to ride too and smoke...
i never gotto as kyou what you were gonna cook for me with all those confiscated "spices".. LOL remember that night?? or the night i was taking you home, we just picked up my kids and the mexican on the highway was trying to run us off the road?? i was freaking out and you helped me keep my cool and get thru it without ending up in the ditch? theres soo many memories we shared and sooooo many, many more we were suposed to make.. i love you Bri!